Secom celebrates the 5-year anniversary of the Perspective magazine
Perspective, the first integrative medicine publication in Romania, was launched by Secom in 2015 to foster prevention as a state of mind when it comes to people’s health. The magazine addresses the public at large, people concerned with a healthy lifestyle, as well as the medical community.
Perspective contains interviews with doctors and healthcare experts, latest news, well-documented medical information from reliable sources, all presented in a balanced way, specific to integrative medicine
Throughout its 20 editions, this publication presented the most important systems of the human body - immune, digestive, nervous, osteo-articular, respiratory, urinary, endocrine systems etc., as well as topical issues such as balanced nutrition, child health, food supplements, principles of a balanced lifestyle, microbiota and its key role in maintaining health.
“Perspective, an integrative medicine journal, is an educational project very close to our hearts. As leaders in integrative medicine solutions, we believe it is our responsibility to encourage a preventive approach towards health. This approach may only be achieved if we facilitate access to information from reliable sources: doctors, academics, opinion leaders, journalists with proven medical competences. We would like to thank all the collaborators to the Perspective magazine who, throughout these 20 editions, have helped us convey key insights to our readers. I am convinced that the contribution of as many experts will help people learn what to do in order to have a good health and improve the quality of life, for as long as possible”, declared Lucia Costea, co-founder and CEO of Secom.
Perspective, an integrative medicine journal, has three yearly editions (April, August and December) and is available in Secom stores, as well as on
Secom®, trendsetter și lider de autoritate în soluții naturale de medicină integrativă, lansează primul brand privat de lifestyle din portofoliu: Good Routine®
Secom®, lider de autoritate în soluții de medicină integrativă, și-a relocat de la 1 septembrie sediul central din Tunari în clădirea Equilibrium 1, un proiect de birouri premium dezvoltat în Nordul București.
Revista Perspective, prima publicatie de medicina integrativa din Romania a fost lansata de Secom in 2015 pentru a incuraja o atitudine preventiva fata de propria sanatate.